1 AppArmorSandboxing
Steve Beattie edited this page 2017-11-06 16:41:05 -08:00

AppArmor Sandbox

NOTE: this feature is under development and is not part of any current release

A sandbox is a way of separating running untrusted applications or doing testing in isolation.

  • Sandboxes are orthogonal
    • AppArmor is controlling sharing
    • Sandboxes creates isolated copies
  • jails (chroots) are traditional sandboxes

Sandboxes in AppArmor

AppArmor provides a way to automatically create and control sandboxes within the AppArmor framework.


  • running untrusted apps
  • testing
  • test install that can be reverted
  • AppArmor sandboxes are created around union filesystems, or union mounts (it will be possible to substitute chroot). This allows for a lighter sandbox that has less cost to setup
  • Controlled sharing
  • copy on write behavior
    • ability to see exactly what the applications has written
    • ability to merge back into system as desired
  • ability to do controlled sandboxing of writes (only certain writes are sandboxed, others go straight to system).

Disadvantages of COW

  • slower
  • dependent on union filesystems or union mounts

Dynamic Sandbox

  • launch application with aa-jail (aa-sandbox)
  • create sandbox on-the-fly
    • auto creates and loads a profile on-the-fly based on
      • autodep
      • binary analysis
      • template
    • creates mounts namespace/(chroot) on the fly
      • file locations can be specified or set on the fly, this is where data will be written

Preconfigured Sandbox

  • can be launched either by
    • aa-jail
    • Just executing the application --- profile name determined by profile attachment
      • needs kernel call out to userspace + profile tag
      • needs user side daemon to set up sandbox


A sandbox template contains a partial profile and rules + other information used to create a sandbox

Templates need

  • set of paths that are to be mapped to sand box
  • location of sandboxes (templated to user/app maybe)
  • partial profile that provide generic rules for the sandbox
  • other rules will be added by autodep etc

File location

  • how to determine where the program's data is
  • reusing an old sandbox when starting a program again
  • running multiple instances in different sandboxes



.config contains

  • program name (profile name)
  • user?
  • template used to instantiate
  • mapping of data_dirs to what they are in sandbox
    • could be dynamically recreated but if template has changed may fail

.profile - (optional)

  • profile that was created for the sandbox (including alias rules determined by mappings)
  • can be dynamically recreated

data_dirs_X - actual data that was written

Sandboxing and user profiles

how do sandboxes work for user profiles

how does a user use system sandbox templates?


  • aa-sandbox - launch an application in a sandbox
  • aa-jail
  • aa-unbox - take a sandbox and make it a regular part of the system, writes become shared etc
  • aa-flatten - same thing? which name
  • aa-clone - clone a sandbox to a new location to run a new instance in
  • aa-merge, aa-blend, aa-fuse, aa-meld, aa-join, aa-unite, aa-integrate? - fold sandbox back into system