1 RBAC_2_0
Steve Beattie edited this page 2017-11-08 13:43:27 -08:00

Background knowledge used in developing confinement techniques

Methods of attaching profiles

AppArmor requires a profile be attached to an application before it becomes mediated. The methods of attachment available dictate how the user confinement or role can be realized. There are three primary ways in which profile attachment can be achieved.

  • AppArmor policy directed changes

    • Automatic profile attachment via program name (available in all versions of AppArmor)

      Profile names are the primary way in which AppArmor determines when an application should be confined. When a new application is launched by an unconfined process, AppArmor checks if the application should be confined. To determine whether the application should be confined, AppArmor checks if a profile of the same name as the application exists, and if so attaches it.

    • Profile directed attachment

      When an application is launched from a confined process the profile is checked to determine execution permissions. If the profile allows the application to be executed, it also determines which profile will be attached to the new application.

      • Exec modes in AppArmor 2.0 - AppArmor 2.1

        The execution modes in the earlier versions of AppArmor are limited to three basic choices which greatly affect what can be done for roles/confinement of users.

      -   px/Px - profile transition - transition to profile name matching the name of application
      -   ix - inherit transition - inherit the current profile (the profile confining the applications parent)
      -   ux/Ux - unconfined transition - drop profile confinement (not recommended for use).
      • Exec modes in AppArmor 2.3 -

        AppArmor 2.3 added new exec modes and profile name options that aid in confining users, and setting up roles.

        • cx/Cx - child (subprofile) transition - transition to a subprofile with a name matching the name of the application.

        • px/Px -> <name> - profile named transition - transition to the profile with the specified <name>

        • cx/Cx -> <name> - child named transition - transition to the subprofile with the specified <name>

        • profile names in AppArmor 2.3 don't have to specify a profile name, but instead can have a name that is descriptive of the general confinement being used.

  • Application Directed change

    • change_hat (available in all versions of AppArmor)

      The change_hat interface allows an application to do self directed profile transitions between a parent profile and special hat sub profiles. Applications must be modified to make use of change_hat at the appropriate locations in the code.

      It is best used in situations where direct access to the parent profile's resources is not allowed (e.g., interpreters in Apache, applications hosted in Tomcat, different tabs in web browsers).

    • change_profile (available in AppArmor 2.3 and newer)

      The change_profile interface is similar to change_hat in allowing an application to do self directed profile transitions, except that it is more flexible. It can be used from both confined and unconfined applications, allowing one way transition to potentially any loaded profile. When called from a confined application the profiles that can be transitioned to are limited by the currently confining profile.

    • set_profile (available in AppArmor 2.0 and newer)

      The set_profile interface allows root owned unconfined processes to change the AppArmor confinement of another processes. It can be used to remove confinement or force an application into confinement, or do direct profile to profile transitions.

  • Application directed change via proxy

    • pam_apparmor (available in AppArmor 2.1 and newer)

      The pam_apparmor pam module can be used to specify confinement for applications using pam authentication. The pam_apparmor module provides a pluggable way for applications to use change_hat and change_profile based on authentication without having to directly modify the application.

      • In AppArmor 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 the pam_apparmor module uses change_hat, so to be able to specify confinement it must be called from a confined application.

      • In AppArmor 2.4/3.0 the pam_apparmor module can use both change_hat and change_profile and is more flexible and has methods of specifying attachment without requiring it be called from a confined application.

    • knightshell

      The knightshell is a special wrapper program for bash designed as an alternate method of achieving confined login shells without resorting to hardlinks. The knightshell must be set as the user's default login shell and uses the GECOS field in nss compatible login databases to specify confinement. It starts /bin/bash confined in a profile with a configurable hat. For more details, see the source package.

    • mod_apparmor/mod_changehat

      lhe mod_apparmor plug-in for the Apache web server is not used to achieve standard user/role confinement but does provide subprofile confinement for web pages. mod_apparmor is how AppArmor can be used to achieve specialized confinement for web applications; the confinement can be done via Apache directives <Directory>, <Location>, and <Vhost>, as well as individual URLs.

A hard link to an executable file creates a new name (alias) that AppArmor profiles and rules can be matched against. Soft links can not be used to create an alternate, because of the way AppArmor does mediation it does not see a soft link as an alternate name. Creating an alternate name provides a simple means by which multiple profiles (one per name) can be attached to a single executable file.

The use of hardlinks does have some update and maintenance problems. When a program is updated hardlinks remain pointed at the previous version of the program. This can result in version problems, failed executions, upgrade breakage, and in the worst case running software with known security bugs.

Anatomy of a profile to confine a user or create a role

The basic idea behind creating roles with profiles, is that a generic profile is created with permissions that cover multiple executables. In general the ix permission is used for all executables allowed within the role, and the profile's access permissions are the union of permissions for each executable.

AppArmor prior to the 2.3 release required that the generic role profile name map to an executable so that it could be attached. This limitation meant that the profile names where not descriptive, and that tricks with hard links were needed to attach and define roles.

AppArmor 2.3 added several features that enhance creating role profiles.

  • profile names don't have to specify attachment so that the profile name can be descriptive.
  • new transition modes allow more flexibility on domain transitions when needed.
  • owner conditional rules enable defining broader profiles that still limit users effectively. (AppArmor can ensure different unix users are kept separate even if there are mistakes in the traditional filesystem permissions.)

Methods of confining a user / creating a role

Setting up restricted admin profiles

AppArmor prior to the 2.3 release required relied on setting the users uid 0 to be able to create restricted admin profiles. AppArmor 2.3 added the ability to give a user limited capabilities so that a non-uid-0 user could be given limited admin privileges.

Roles via restricted login shell

AppArmor can be used to create “roles” (in the RBAC sense) that operate as restricted shells in Linux. This even works on root shells. For instance, suppose you have some junior system administrators in your enterprise, and their job is to do system log analysis looking for problems. They need root access to do this, but you don't feel comfortable trusting them; they might be evil, or they might just make mistakes. So you want to allow them to only have *part* of root's privilege to access the system log, but *not* the power to mess with the Oracle database, reboot the machine, etc.

To do this, you create a role using AppArmor. You do this by:

  1. Creating a “special” shell, hardlink to the shell, for the role, e.g. call it logbash for the role of syslog analyst.

  2. Create an AppArmor profile for logbash that restricts anyone running logbash to only do the necessary operations.

  3. Make logbash be the default login shell for people who will be operating in this role.

  4. Change the UID of these people to 0 so that they have root's privilege, but use their own password and are restricted to run logbash, so you don't have to share root's password.

In AppArmor 2.3 it is strongly recommended that pam_apparmor is used instead of this technique to create restricted shells.

How is AppArmor's “restricted shell” capability different from sudo?

If your suduoers file grants a user access to e.g. vim, then the user can type :!<enter> and be presented with a shell. From that shell, the user has complete privileges over the entire system. The same happens with mutt, pine, less, more, and many other simple utilities. (Leave off the ':' where necessary. Add 'sh' where necessary. :)

AppArmor would allow the user to spawn a shell only if a shell was allowed in the confining profile. AppArmor will only allow the user to execute commands, read files, and write files, that are defined in the profile.

sudo has no control over the program once it has been exec()'d. AppArmor can control execution all the way down.

AppArmor can be combined with sudo as an alternative RBAC solution (see below).


The sudo application provides the ability to run application

controlled way to run a specific applications with root privledges

problem - it doesn't limit what the application can do once run as root

This technique is very limited in pre 2.3 versions of AppArmor

  • placing a profile around sudo allows enforcing sudos config restrictions
    • allows placing profiles around applications run from sudo (transition rules)

confining sudo can be done globally - everybody gets the same profile

within a profile - pre AppArmor 2.3

If you don't want to use a global sudo profile or want different transitions than specified by a global sudo profile the sudo transition must be specified within the confining profile. This is done by making sudo an ix transition

problem: can only ix, or use global profiles boo

  • thus need to use hard linked command names to provide alternate confinement

can combine with pre 2.3.1 pam_apparmor to provide some alternate confinement through change_hat

  • problem can't do change_hat within change_hat

AppArmor 2.3

use named transitions and/or child profiles

How can AppArmor be combined with sudo to provide RBAC?

Combining sudo with AppArmor provides a complementary form of RBAC that can be combined with restricted login shells. When using restricted login shell the user requires a different password per role, and the either a role and its password must be shared between multiple users, or multiple versions of the role need to be setup (one per user). When combining AppArmor with sudo a single role can have multiple users, each one using their own password to access the role.

To do this, you create a role using AppArmor. You do this by:

  1. Creating a “special” shell, hardlink to the shell, for the role, e.g. call it logbash for the role of syslog analyst.

  2. Create an AppArmor profile for logbash that restricts anyone running logbash to only do the necessary operations.

  3. Edit the /etc/sudoers.conf file, to setup a role, that allows the desired users to execute the “special” shell.

  4. users can enter the role by doing > sudo logbash

For the user to be able to directly transition to other roles the “special” profile must provide a Px transition to sudo. If the user should not be able to transition directly from role to role then profile for the role should not be allowed to execute sudo.

If you wish to use AppArmor to confine sudo when using it to provide roles, the sudo profile must contain Px transitions to all the “special” shells that are setup to support different roles. The controlled mapping of user to role is handled by sudo, so a user will still only be able to access the roles he is allowed to by the sudo config file.

If this is combined with restricted login shell style of RBAC the “special” shell profile should contain a Px transition to sudo and sudo should be confined with an AppArmor profile.


The knightshell is a special shell that uses change_hat to set user confinement on login. similar to confined login shell. This can be used to provide default confinement for all users in a specific group, or provide per-user confinement. However, it currently only works with change_hat, not change_profile, and it is currently hard-coded to run /bin/bash, which limits its usefulness somewhat. More generic wrapper programs would be nice.