AppArmor status
AppArmor protection status can be inspected using both high-level and low-level tools. The high-level tools use the low-level tools to gather information, and most of the low-level tools require an unconfined 'root' (uid 0) process. It may be possible to confine these processes with file and capability privileges.
High level view
The 'aa-status' tool gives a high level status of AppArmor and applications it has profiles for (as root):
# aa-status
apparmor module is loaded.
11 profiles are loaded.
11 profiles are in enforce mode.
0 profiles are in complain mode.
2 processes have profiles defined.
2 processes are in enforce mode :
/usr/sbin/cupsd (1192)
/sbin/dhclient3 (22378)
0 processes are in complain mode.
0 processes are unconfined but have a profile defined.
Realtime information
Average desktop users may want to run the apparmor_notify daemon which displays a handy notification message similar to other notifications on the system in whatever manner is most consistent with the window manager/desktop environment. apparmor_notify knows how to handle the details below and does some intelligent rate limiting to avoid notification floods.
Depending on your system's configuration of auditd and syslog, as well as individual profile configuration, finding out about AppArmor denials may be difficult. If you are running auditd, check the audit logs. auditd will consume AppArmor denial messages before the more common syslog logging mechanism, so be sure to check for auditd when you're confused. auditd isn't a lossy mechanism, but it can be inconvenient to work with. Consult its documentation for details.
The dmesg command will dump the kernel message buffer to standard out; it is a simple ring-buffer, and potentially an AppArmor denial message may be over-written by the time you try to find it. Also, the kernel may perform rate limiting which could cause AppArmor denials to be discarded. When debugging or developing a profile and not using auditd, it is recommending you disable kernel rate limiting with (as root):
# sysctl -w kernel.printk_ratelimit=0
Most systems configure syslog to read kernel messages and save them into /var/log/messages, /var/log/kern.log, or some other similar location. syslog also may use a ring buffer, but with much longer lag times. Because syslogd is a process and reads from a kernel-supplied ring buffer, there is a chance that under significant system load the kernel's ring buffer may overwrite AppArmor denial messages before the logging daemon can read it. You may also lose log messages when logging to a remote host using the traditional UDP remote logging mechanism.
libapparmor supplies (or will supply) log-parsing tools that can understand all the logging formats in order to make writing tools simpler. It is planned that these tools will include desktop and enterprise notifications to help save time and frustration when debugging strange problems. For now, using 'dmesg' is the preferred method when verifying if AppArmor is the cause of a misbehaving confined application. See AppArmor_Failures for details.
Information on running processes
To discover which processes are confined, you can either use 'aa-status' as described above, or alternatively use the 'ps' command (as root):
# ps aux -Z | grep -v unconfined
/usr/sbin/cupsd root 1192 0.0 0.0 75148 1260 ? Ss Jan15 0:00 /usr/sbin/c...
/sbin/dhclient3 root 22378 0.0 0.0 6464 1088 ? S Jan23 0:00 /sbin/dhcli...
The raw data is also available via /proc (as root):
# grep -L unconfined /proc/*/attr/current
Most sites that deploy AppArmor are especially interested in confining applications that use the network. Because this is so common, the aa-unconfined tool can help system administrators discover network servers that may or may not be confined (as root):
# aa-unconfined
883 /usr/sbin/avahi-daemon not confined
883 /usr/sbin/avahi-daemon not confined
1192 /usr/sbin/cupsd confined by '/usr/sbin/cupsd (enforce)'
12375 /usr/sbin/pdns_recursor not confined
12375 /usr/sbin/pdns_recursor not confined
22378 /sbin/dhclient3 (/sbin/dhclient) confined by '/sbin/dhclient3 (enforce)'
27260 /usr/sbin/dictd (dictd 1.11.1: 1/275) not confined
aa-unconfined uses netstat -nlp output to find programs accepting connections and checks the /proc//attr/current files of each to discover if each is confined or not. aa-unconfined has a --paranoid option that is probably too paranoid --- it shows the status of every process on the system. (Which was useful before ps Z support was available everywhere). A future release could support a --mostly-paranoid option to search every process with an open network socket, not just listening sockets.
Information from the kernel module
AppArmor supports the kernel-standard securityfs mechanism; securityfs is normally mounted on /sys/kernel/security, and the apparmor module populates /sys/kernel/security/apparmor with a few control and information files. The informational files are:
$ ls -1 /sys/kernel/security/apparmor/
'features' and 'matching' provides feature and version information that is used by apparmor_parser to compile profiles for the running kernel. 'profiles' provides a list of the profiles loaded into the kernel as well as the per-profile enabled/complain/audit information.
Information from the persistent configuration files
You may also be curious about the profiles that AppArmor will load on next boot. /etc/apparmor.d/ contains all the profiles, as well as profile 'chunks' that are commonly shared between profiles. Some of these 'chunks' are abstractions, which are essentially libraries of access rules. On boot, the AppArmor init scripts will examine and load the profiles in /etc/apparmor.d/, ignoring certain files such as vim swap files and package manager generated files as well as profiles that have a symbolic link in /etc/apparmor.d/disable/. Files with a symbloic link in /etc/apparmor.d/force-complain/ are forced into complain mode.
If you want to verify the contents of a profile --- say, you want to make sure the abstractions that are included in the profile do not allow some ridiculous permissions --- you can invoke:
$ apparmor_parser -Q --debug /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.firefox | head -10
----- Debugging built structures -----
Name: /usr/lib/firefox-4.0b7/firefox{,*[^s][^h]}
Profile Mode: Enforce
Capabilities: net_bind_service
--- Entries ---
Mode: r:r Name: (/)
Mode: r:r Name: (/**/)
Mode: rx:rx Name: (/bin/bash)
Mode: rx:rx Name: (/bin/dash)
Mode: rx:rx Name: (/bin/grep)
This listing shows the permissions granted when the user owns the resource (file, directory, pipe, etc.) and when the user does not own the resource.
Additionally, you can see the complete profile with all abstractions include with:
$ apparmor_parser -p /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.firefox
##included <abstractions/audio>
/dev/admmidi* rw,
/dev/adsp* rw,
/dev/aload* rw,
/dev/amidi* rw,
/dev/audio* rw,
/dev/dmfm* rw,