What to look for
Some times AppArmor causes things to fail. If you suspect AppArmor is the cause of your problem, there are some basic things to look for.
Is AppArmor enabled?
First check AppArmor's status by running the following command as root:
- aa-status
This will display AppArmor status output similar to the following:
apparmor module is loaded.
13 profiles are loaded.
12 profiles are in enforce mode.
1 profiles are in complain mode.
3 processes have profiles defined.
3 processes are in enforce mode :
/sbin/dhclient3 (3043)
/usr/sbin/libvirtd (2370)
/usr/sbin/cupsd (2425)
0 processes are in complain mode.
0 processes are unconfined but have a profile defined.
AppArmor is designed to only restrict applications for which there are profiles defined so if AppArmor is not enabled or no profiles are loaded it is unlikely AppArmor is causing the problem. While unlikely, a kernel bug could be present and you may want to check for kernel Oopses (described below).
While 'aa-status' is the preferred method, you may also run the following commands as root, with different output:
- /etc/init.d/apparmor status
- ls /sys/kernel/security/apparmor
- cat /sys/module/apparmor/parameters/enabled
- rcapparmor status # SuSE only
Messages in the Log files
If AppArmor is enabled, the next thing to check is your system logs for reject, learning and info messages from AppArmor. AppArmor will usually output messages when it is interacting with an application and if there are AppArmor denied messages, this could be the cause of the problem.
The location of the messages will depend on how your systems auditing is setup but are usually in one or more of the following locations:
- /var/log/kern.log
- /var/log/messages
- /var/log/audit/audit.log (only if auditd is installed)
A typical denied message looks like the following:
type=APPARMOR_ALLOWED msg=audit(1212396827.141:861): operation=“inode_unlink” requested_mask=“w” denied_mask=“w” name=“/tmp/orbit-jj/linc-e6e-0-2acdd337d87e5” pid=3694 profile=“/usr/bin/foo”
Notice the 'denied_mask' in the above log entry. auditd will use 'DENIED' instead. In general, you can use one of (as root):
- grep -i denied /var/log/kern.log
- grep -i denied /var/log/messages
- grep -i denied /var/log/audit/audit.log (if using auditd)
If there are no denied messages from AppArmor, it is unlikely AppArmor is causing the problem. Please note that AppArmor logs loading, replacing and removing of policy. The messages for loading of policy on boot as well as when modifying policy are normal and do not indicate a problem with your AppArmor policy.
What if there are no log messages but there should be?
While AppArmor usually logs every reject and learning event, it can be configured so that auditing of some or all messages are disabled. To see if this is the case you can examine the module's audit settings and the profiles.
Dropped audit messages
The audit daemon (if installed) or syslog dmesg can drop apparmor messages if the are occurring at too high of a rate.
Adjusting Auditd
Adjust printk rate limiting
??? how to tell printk is dropping apparmor messages ????
If auditd is not installed then apparmor message dropping is controlled by printk_ratelimiting. This can be adjusted by changing the value of
to disable printk ratelimiting you can do
echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/printk_ratelimit
Module audit settings
To view the modules audit mode from a command prompt do
sudo cat /sys/module/apparmor/parameters/audit
It can return one of the following valuse
- normal - module auditing is not doing any special overrides
- quiet_denied - module is quieting all denied access (reject) messages
- quiet - module is quieting all messages
- noquiet - module is overriding profile rules that quiet messages
- all - output all audit for all permission requests (this includes things that were allowed). This is very noisy if an AppArmor profile is in use.
To change the module audit mode, echo one of the above values into the audit parameter.
sudo sh -c 'echo -n "all" > /sys/module/apparmor/parameters/audit'
Profile audit settings
AppArmor will only audit tasks confined by AppArmor profiles and has four basic audit modes (enforce, complain, audit, kill).
- Enforce mode - only status events (profile loads, ...) and events that cause rejects generate audit messages
- Complain mode - like Enforce mode except it changes the message type from denied to allowed and causes all AppArmor denied events to succeed as if AppArmor was not confining the task (in this mode it is only logging unknown behavior)
- Audit mode - outputs a log message for each event mediated by the AppArmor module whether it is allowed or rejected
- Kill mode - outputs a log message for any event that AppArmor denies and then it kills the task
Profiles can contain flags that influence what AppArmor audits using several methods:
- Deny rule - any rule with the deny prefix will cause quieting of rejects matching the rule. Typically used when rejects are known and should not be filling up the audit logs. This behavior can be overridden by adding the audit prefix to the deny rule
- Audit rule - prefixing audit to any rule causes matching events to be logged
- Complain mode profile. Profiles can be put in complain by:
- placing a file in the /etc/apparmor.d/force-complain/ directory - files (symlinks by convention) in this directory matching the profile filename in /etc/apparmor.d will be loaded in complain mode by the AppArmor init scripts
- setting the 'complain' flag in the profile (deprecated); e.g.
/bin/foobash flags=(complain) { ...
- loading the profile manually with
apparmor\_parser -C/
The status of complain mode profiles can be checked by running the
command and examining its output for profiles in complain
or quiet mode. For example:
1 profiles are in complain mode.
Examining a task's confinement
In debugging AppArmor problems, it might be useful to look at the confinement of a process. This can be viewed with either:
ps -Z
sudo cat /proc/<pid>/attr/current
$ ps -Z 2301
/sbin/dhclient 2301 ? S 0:00 /sbin/dhclient -d -4
$ sudo cat /proc/2301/attr/current
/sbin/dhclient (enforce)
Kernel Oopses
AppArmor prefixes its functions with either apparmor_ or aa_. If functions with these prefixes show up in an oops back trace then AppArmor may be causing a problem. Please copy or photograph the Oops message and submit a bug report.
If you think the kernel AppArmor code is causing a problem and there is no Oops, you can try booting with the kernel parameter:
This completely disables AppArmor so that only the initial AppArmor registration test is run. If your system boots with this flag and the problem persists then it is not caused by AppArmor.
Debugging an AppArmor problem
Updating the policy
By far, the best course of action is to examine denied messages in the logs, understand why they occurred, and then adjust the profile as necessary. To modify policy, you can either (as root):
- use
- edit the offending profile in /etc/apparmor.d/ directly, then reload the profile with
apparmor_parser -r /etc/apparmor.d/<profile>
In some cases you may need to restart the confined program after adjusting policy.
IMPORTANT: while you can add more access and use '-r' to replace the policy and have it apply to an already confined process, you cannot remove access by replacing the profile. In this case you need to (as root):
apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/<profile>
to remove the profileapparmor_parser -a /etc/apparmor.d/<profile>
to load (add) the profile- restart the confined application
Put profile in complain mode
If for some reason updating the policy is not an option, putting a profile into complain mode should cause any confined tasks to act as if AppArmor was not mediating them, logging policy violations along the way. To temporarily put a profile in complain mode until the next reboot or reload of policy (as root):
- manually reload the profile with
apparmor_parser -Cr /etc/apparmor.d/<profile>
To permanently put a profile in complain mode, choose one of (as root):
aa-complain <profile_name>
- add a symlink to the profile in /etc/apparmor.d/force-complain/ and reload policy
Disabling the profile
If for some reason updating the policy is not an option, unloading the profile from the kernel will cause any previously confined tasks to run unconfined. To temporarily disable a profile until the next reboot or reload of policy (as root):
- unload the profile with
apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/<profile>
To permanently disable a profile (as root):
- unload the profile with
apparmor_parser -R <profile_name>
- add a symlink to the profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable/ or remove the offending profile from /etc/apparmor.d/
Profiles can also be removed by performing (as root):
apparmor_parser -R <profile_name>
echo -n “<profile_name>” > /sys/kernel/security/apparmor/.remove
Unload all profiles
You can also unload all AppArmor policy (not recommended or typically needed) by performing (as root):
/etc/init.d/apparmor teardown
# AppArmor 2.5.1+/etc/init.d/apparmor stop
# AppArmor 2.5 and lowerrcapparmor stop
# SuSE only