1 IRC_meeting_2022 11 08
John Johansen edited this page 2022-11-08 19:13:26 +00:00
(10:01:15 AM) Talkless [~Talkless@mail.dargis.net] entered the room.
(10:01:30 AM) jjohansen: cboltz, sarnold, jontourville: meeting time
(10:01:51 AM) ***cboltz hides
(10:01:54 AM) sarnold: but I don't wanna go to school today
(10:01:57 AM) ***sarnold pulls the coversu p
(10:02:07 AM) ***jontourville is here
(10:02:07 AM) jjohansen: oh good idea!
(10:02:27 AM) cboltz: sarnold: ok, you are allowed to stay home - if you write the missing release notes
(10:02:35 AM) jjohansen: hahaha
(10:02:54 AM) jjohansen: oh please, please, please, I don't know how much more of it I can take
(10:02:57 AM) sarnold: Nooooooo
(10:04:06 AM) jjohansen: Okay, so we don't have anything on the agenda today, so this just might be a quick meeting
(10:04:22 AM) jjohansen: So for releases
(10:04:48 AM) jjohansen: - 3.1.2 has been cut, its release notes are done. It just needs to be announced
(10:05:21 AM) jjohansen: - 3.1/3.1.1 release notes are a wip and will be done today (it might melt my brain though)
(10:05:51 AM) jjohansen: - 3.0.8 release notes are almost done
(10:06:37 AM) jjohansen: and I will get to 2.13.8 this week, but probably not today
(10:06:46 AM) jjohansen: with that out of the way
(10:07:03 AM) jjohansen: does anyone have something to bring up/discuss
(10:07:42 AM) cboltz: any objections against backporting !935 and !917 to 3.x?
(10:08:38 AM) cboltz: (and, as a more general question - do we also want to backport all profile updates to 2.13, or only if requested?)
(10:09:47 AM) jjohansen: yes you didn't ask for them before I cut the new release :P
(10:09:47 AM) jjohansen: so no objection on !935, !917
(10:10:29 AM) cboltz: at least in 917 I already asked when I submitted it - but reading the description might be overrated ;-)
(10:10:33 AM) jjohansen: generally I am not opposed to updating profiles
(10:11:58 AM) jjohansen: Really I want to get them split off into their own subproject
(10:12:26 AM) jjohansen: cboltz: do you have an idea of how many updates we are missing on 2.13?
(10:13:01 AM) cboltz: not really, and a   diff -r   probably isn't too helpful
(10:13:18 AM) jjohansen: yeah, not so helpful
(10:13:29 AM) cboltz: and to make things more interesting, we introduced stuff like @{run} ;-)
(10:14:32 AM) jjohansen: right, so perhaps its best to not update 2.13 profiles too much :)
(10:14:50 AM) cboltz: at least when it comes to the already-merged stuff ;-)
(10:15:57 AM) jjohansen: I think, we can take a stab at backporting some of the missing stuff, but I am not going to put a huge effort into dealing with failed picks/backports
(10:16:07 AM) jjohansen: and leave those to be asked for
(10:16:35 AM) cboltz: for future changes, it's probably a good idea to backport profile changes by default (unless it doesn't make sense [for example allowing python 3.11 for 2.13 - if you update python, also get a new AppArmor], or causes a serious merge conflict)
(10:16:56 AM) jjohansen: yeah
(10:22:23 AM) jjohansen: Anything else to discuss?
(10:22:49 AM) cboltz: does someone have an opinion on https://gitlab.com/apparmor/apparmor/-/issues/280 ?
(10:24:37 AM) sarnold: .. I don't know if it's helpful :) but when I first saw this one, I thought it was missing a '4', "wait for python to introduce yet another new method and then thikn about switching to that"
(10:25:28 AM) cboltz: yeah, something like that ;-)
(10:25:42 AM) cboltz: note that a change to option 2 or 3 would mean that all strings now containing  %s  need to be re-translated (unless we somehow automate it)
(10:25:54 AM) sarnold: I have to admit I've always had a slight aversion to the fstrings because it felt like it'd be easy to accidentally let the user supply input that then does variable interpolation things
(10:26:45 AM) sarnold: changing all the translations feels like a *lot* of work, some of which we might not know how to actually accomplish
(10:26:58 AM) sarnold: (or, rather, *I* don't know how the launchpad translations dance works)
(10:28:05 AM) cboltz: that's another good point - AFAIK it's been a while since we last updated our translations on gitlab
(10:28:07 AM) jjohansen: So from my pov #3 is a hard NAK
(10:28:27 AM) cboltz: (should be done in a branch + MR - I wouldn't be surprised if new translations introduce hotkey conflicts)
(10:29:00 AM) jjohansen: it requires us using 2 different formatting techniques because we aren't just dropping translations
(10:30:27 AM) cboltz: right, f-strings and translations just don't work - and using/mixing two ways of string formatting just calls for trouble
(10:30:30 AM) jjohansen: I think 2 has some appeal iff someone does the translation work
(10:30:38 AM) sarnold: "two techniques" sounds unfortunate, yeah
(10:34:33 AM) jjohansen: Okay I dumped my thoughts in the issue
(10:35:14 AM) cboltz: looks like a good summary, thanks!
(10:37:09 AM) jjohansen: okay, anything else that needs to be brought up? (keep them coming I don't mind a break from release notes ...)
(10:38:42 AM) cboltz: can you pull the latest translations from launchpad _after_ finishing the release notes, please? ;-)
(10:39:16 AM) cboltz: please also check if https://gitlab.com/apparmor/apparmor/-/wikis/Translations is up to date so that others can also do it
(10:40:01 AM) cboltz: (assuming   git clone bzr::lp:...   doesn't crash with several exceptions, like it just did for me)
(10:42:14 AM) jjohansen: I can try, we have had nothing but problems on the translations end, and we nee to spend some time looking into it
(10:43:04 AM) jjohansen: and yeah, afaik clone bzr::lp is busted
(10:43:16 AM) jjohansen: but I will spend some time looking at it today
(10:43:24 AM) cboltz: ok, then let me ask a more general question:
(10:43:35 AM) cboltz: does it make sense to keep translations on launchpad
(10:43:56 AM) cboltz: or should we look for something like weblate which has native git support?
(10:44:20 AM) cboltz: I guess the real question is if we would get less translations if we leave launchpad
(10:46:03 AM) jjohansen: cboltz: I don't have an answer atm but that is something we need to seriously look into
(10:46:46 AM) jjohansen: I know sbeattie was going to look into the translations more, but I don't think he got very far. Unfortunately he is at a conference atm so not here
(10:48:27 AM) cboltz: for the records - weblate offers free hosting for open source software, so we could just use it. Another option might be to ask if we can use l10n.opensuse.org
(11:02:08 AM) jjohansen: well lets put this off until we have had to do some investigating
(11:03:17 AM) jjohansen: I will probably get very frustrated with lp in a few hours, and be motivated then
(11:03:27 AM) jjohansen: anything else to discuss
(11:04:15 AM) cboltz: nothing from me
(11:07:11 AM) jjohansen: anyone else
(11:07:59 AM) jontourville: nothing here
(11:08:44 AM) jjohansen: alright, meeting adjourned
(11:08:44 AM) jjohansen: thanks everyone