1 IRC_meeting_2022 12 13
John Johansen edited this page 2022-12-13 19:03:57 +00:00
(10:22:15 AM) jjohansen: cbolt, sarnold, sbeattie, georggia, jontourville, who ever else, its meeting time
(10:23:30 AM) georgiag [~georgia@2804:1b3:a7c2:a9ef:22e5:89c:f3de:6e7f] entered the room.
(10:23:43 AM) ***cboltz hides
(10:23:51 AM) sarnold: zomg
(10:24:06 AM) sarnold: didn't we just do this? :)
(10:24:25 AM) jjohansen: if we all hid it would make for a nice short meeting :)
(10:24:37 AM) cboltz: yes, just 720 hours ago
(10:25:26 AM) jjohansen: sarnold: why yes, only 43200 minuites ago
(10:25:28 AM) jjohansen: haha
(10:25:42 AM) sarnold: lol
(10:25:46 AM) jjohansen: I almost went for seconds :)
(10:26:36 AM) jjohansen: so we don't have anything scheduled on the agenda.
(10:26:51 AM) jjohansen: So I will just start with an update
(10:27:32 AM) jjohansen: 6.2 merge window is open, the base for extended permissions should land in 6.2
(10:27:55 AM) sarnold: sweeeet
(10:27:57 AM) sarnold: good work :)
(10:28:13 AM) jjohansen: this doesn't do anything from a userspace pov, as we still need a userspace to support it
(10:28:44 AM) jjohansen: well that and there needs to be another patch, to land in 6.3 to expose it to userspace
(10:29:26 AM) jjohansen: I am going to try and land fine grained mediation for af_unix sockets in 6.4
(10:30:18 AM) jjohansen: I don't think there is enough time to get it into 6.3, but who knows maybe ... something, something pigs fly ...
(10:30:21 AM) jjohansen: :)
(10:30:49 AM) jjohansen: we are behind (as always) on our what we are trying to land for 4.0
(10:30:53 AM) sarnold: still, progress is progress, and trying to get everything done in one go is a recipe for insanity :)
(10:31:02 AM) jjohansen: sure
(10:32:45 AM) jjohansen: for 4.0 I would still like to land
(10:32:45 AM) jjohansen: - extend permissions support
(10:32:45 AM) jjohansen: - policy overlay
(10:32:45 AM) jjohansen: - config overlay
(10:32:45 AM) jjohansen: - updated aa-status
(10:32:45 AM) jjohansen: - maybe, the text policy stuff (this needs some more work, to actually make what it loads into the kernel useful)
(10:33:31 AM) jjohansen: and possibly part of the mount fixes
(10:34:20 AM) jjohansen: cboltz: non of that should have much of an effect on the utils
(10:34:39 AM) cboltz: do the items you listed also include profile hashes for the cache files (instead of just a time stamp)?
(10:35:35 AM) jjohansen: sigh, that is another one on the list, I will try to get to. Its just a little lower down than the ones listed (mostly because of the dependency chain around it)
(10:36:12 AM) jjohansen: for non-visible changes, there is a set of parser cleanups/rework that will land
(10:36:41 AM) jjohansen: how much more I manage to get done on that, will determine if we can land text policy and profile hashing
(10:36:57 AM) jjohansen: but at least the base set of that work will land
(10:37:43 AM) jjohansen: beyond that, there will be some regression test infrastructure work to land
(10:38:05 AM) jjohansen: and an outside chance we land the,  user conditional
(10:38:41 AM) jjohansen: by user conditional I specifically mean support for the uid conditional (kernel side)
(10:38:54 AM) jjohansen: userspace side you can specify uid or user
(10:39:40 AM) jjohansen: we do have a whole set of things that we just won't land for 4.0
(10:40:23 AM) jjohansen: - module rules
(10:40:23 AM) jjohansen: - sysV ipc
(10:40:42 AM) jjohansen: - compressed policy
(10:40:55 AM) jjohansen: - keyring
(10:41:00 AM) jjohansen: - ioctl
(10:41:38 AM) jjohansen: hrmmm, I am sure there is something I am forgetting
(10:42:14 AM) jjohansen: hrmmm there are questions about what we should land around the prompt work
(10:42:27 AM) jjohansen: I would like to land as much as we can (userspace side)
(10:42:40 AM) jjohansen: but might leave out support for prompt it self
(10:43:12 AM) jjohansen: this will give us access to some of what the extended permissions work provides
(10:43:56 AM) jjohansen: so, basically being able to tag individual rules, as allow, deny, kill, complain, access, (and eventually prompt)
(10:44:26 AM) jjohansen: and also give better per rule control of audit and quieting of audit (without requiring deny)
(10:44:58 AM) jjohansen: though if we land that, I don't see us having utils support for that change
(10:45:57 AM) jjohansen: anyways, still lots to do, we are going into the holiday session, so 4.0s target is late January/early Feb
(10:48:12 AM) jjohansen: I think that covers what I want to for the up date
(10:48:41 AM) jjohansen: does anyone have anything they would like/need to discuss
(10:50:30 AM) sarnold: nothing from me
(10:54:41 AM) cboltz: nothing from me
(10:56:26 AM) jontourville: nothing from me either
(10:57:22 AM) jjohansen: alright, so with the holiday season upon us, I propose we skip the January meeting
(10:57:42 AM) jjohansen: I just don't think enough will have changed to make it worth while
(10:58:12 AM) sarnold: sounds like a good idea
(11:01:23 AM) jjohansen: alright, meeting adjourned
(11:01:34 AM) jjohansen: thanks everyone