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synced 2025-03-04 00:14:44 +01:00
IRC_meeting_2023 06 13
John Johansen edited this page 2023-06-13 18:35:23 +00:00
(11:01:20 AM) jjohansen: sbeattie, sarnold, cboltz, jontourville_, any one who is vaguely interested, meeting time
(11:02:43 AM) sarnold: we just did this, didn't we? I'm sure of it
(11:02:47 AM) ***jontourville_ is here
(11:02:54 AM) ***sbeattie is here, too.
(11:03:45 AM) ***cboltz hides
(11:04:33 AM) cboltz: first question for today: should we enable pushing to coverity for each commit in the master branch?
(11:04:34 AM) jjohansen: oh! cboltz hiding, guess we will have to skip ...
(11:04:40 AM) cboltz: see https://gitlab.com/apparmor/apparmor/-/merge_requests/998#note_1377204454 for my opinion ;-)
(11:06:39 AM) jjohansen: I am not opposed to enabling auto submit for the master branch
(11:06:55 AM) sarnold: I like your idea of "meh it might cost us a week", heh
(11:07:59 AM) cboltz: yeah, in worst case we still get more coverity runs than we have today (like 3 times per year, when someone triggers it manually)
(11:08:30 AM) cboltz: and getting reports about new issues quickly (directly after a commit/merge) probably makes it easier to fix things
(11:10:27 AM) jjohansen: so lets just do it, worst that happens is we decide we need to revert it
(11:11:18 AM) jjohansen: I'll do my best to test breaking the limit early
(11:11:58 AM) sarnold: :D
(11:14:34 AM) jjohansen: alright next topic, which I suppose is apparmor 4
(11:14:59 AM) jjohansen: we are working on releasing an alpha 1, this month
(11:16:48 AM) jjohansen: there is no plans about what will be specifically in it. We will just cut it, in about 2 weeks. So people can build and test
(11:17:28 AM) jjohansen: in addition to userspace, there will be a non-upstream kernel, with kernel side developments to test against
(11:20:16 AM) jjohansen: doe anyone have anything else to discuss?
(11:21:53 AM) cboltz: should we backport https://gitlab.com/apparmor/apparmor/-/merge_requests/1014
(11:22:22 AM) cboltz: (changes filenames for new named profiles from profile_foo to just foo)
(11:22:24 AM) sarnold: i'm leaning away from a backport
(11:22:43 AM) sbeattie: I don't think we should
(11:22:56 AM) cboltz: ok
(11:23:42 AM) jjohansen: I get the desire, but its not a bug fix. And we really need to try to make sure what we are backporting are bug fixes so distros are willing to take our point releases
(11:23:47 AM) sbeattie: I'd like to get us to the point where our stable branches are bug fix only type things, that don't introduce unnecessary behavioral changes; this will make it easier to take minor point release updates into distributions.
(11:23:59 AM) jjohansen: yeah
(11:24:35 AM) jjohansen: this also means we need to do major releases more often
(11:25:14 AM) jjohansen: which also means not supporting each major release for multiple years
(11:25:31 AM) cboltz: indeed, that makes things more interesting[tm]
(11:26:11 AM) cboltz: now the question is: should we declare specific releases as LTS upstream, or should we give distros the option to say "please make $version LTS"?
(11:27:33 AM) jjohansen: ughhh, wouldn't it be nice if distros pseudo aligned so we didn't have to decide
(11:28:14 AM) jjohansen: I don't think we have the man power to let distros do the please make ...
(11:28:33 AM) cboltz: depends on how many distros need a LTS release
(11:28:59 AM) cboltz: (you don't need to look at rolling releases for that, which reduces the number)
(11:29:26 AM) jjohansen: I am not saying we shouldn't consider what distros are doing for releases, but supporting more than 3 releases at a time ...
(11:31:36 AM) jjohansen: my take is we look at coming releases, look at what we have, and look at when our last LTS was and try to make the best call we can as to what will be the next LTS
(11:32:09 AM) jjohansen: so we declare it, but try to take downstreams into consideration
(11:32:46 AM) cboltz: sounds good
(11:33:58 AM) jjohansen: is there anything else to discuss?
(11:34:07 AM) cboltz: nothing from me
(11:34:07 AM) sarnold: nothing from me
(11:34:19 AM) sbeattie: nothing relevant from me
(11:34:36 AM) jjohansen: alright lets call it a meeting, thanks everyone.
(11:34:36 AM) jjohansen: meeting adjourned