Table of Contents
- What are Launchpad and Bazaar
- Downloading AppArmor
- Downloading tarballs
- Checking out the source tree with bazaar
- Checking out the apparmor source tree with git
- Checking out the apparmor-profiles repository with git
- Making a merge proposal to apparmor-profiles with launchpad and git
- Merging a proposal into the apparmor-profiles repo
- Links
- Old Stuff
What are Launchpad and Bazaar
Launchpad is a web based platform for software development and code hosting.
Bazaar (also known as bzr) is a distributed version control system that is designed to be easy to use. It is the version control system of choice for launchpad and provides good integration with Launchpad.
More recently, Launchpad has added support for the git version control system.
Downloading AppArmor
Downloading tarballs
The current release tarballs can be found in launchpad, by selecting the series and then from the series page selecting the desired download.
Checking out the source tree with bazaar
To get an svn style checkout of the current development branch do
bzr co lp:apparmor
to create a local branch
bzr branch lp:apparmor
Checking out the apparmor source tree with git
There is work underway to move the AppArmor source trees to git. Otherwise, you can try to use git-bzr-ng as described in the Old Stuff section.
Checking out the apparmor-profiles repository with git
The AppArmor Profiles repository is now hosted with git on Launchpad. To check out (aka clone):
git clone
AppArmor developers who have commit/push rights will probably want to use the git+ssh method instead:
git clone git+ssh://
(See Configuring git with Launchpad to configure git to mimic the lp:apparmor-profiles bzr style references.)
Making a merge proposal to apparmor-profiles with launchpad and git
First, clone the master repo:
git clone
Make a branch, and commit your changes to it:
git branch -b BRANCH_NAME
(Hack away with tool of choice)
git commit
Then, push your changes to launchpad. To do so:
- add a remote repository under that is associated with the apparmor-profiles project:
git remote add REMOTE_NAME git+ssh://
can be something simple like apparmor-profiles
should be something to let you know it points to an different location from the primary repo on Launchpad.)
- push your branch
It should show up shortly at
and the specific branch should be available from
From the latter page, there should be an option under the section Branch Merges to Propose for Merging, which should point to
This page will let you propose a merge to the main project. The Target Reference Location is a fancy name for the main project's branch you wish to merge to; for the main apparmor-profiles development branch, you would enter master into this field.
Merging a proposal into the apparmor-profiles repo
NOTE: for apparmor-profiles maintainers
Once a merge proposal is in shape to be merged, do the following with git.
- add the merging branch as a remote to your git tree:
git remote add REMOTE_NAME git+ssh://
- checkout their branch and review the commits:
- switch back to master and merge their changes:
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff REMOTE_NAME/BRANCH_NAME
(The --no-ff
will force a seperate merge commit, helping to clarify who merged/approved the branch. Include a short description, any bug reference urls “Bug: https://somesite/bug/123456/”, and Acked-Bys as need be in the merge commit message.)
- Once you're happy with the merge and your commit message (
git commit --amend
will let you edit your commit message), push the commit to launchpad:
git push origin master
That's it! Launchpad will notice the merge and mark the state of the merge proposal as Merged. You can delete the remote from the merge requestor from your git tree, or you can keep it around if you expect the proposer to future merge requests.
Launchpad help
Old Stuff
The apparmor development repository is not currently mirrored with git. There is an effort underway to make this happen again
Checking out the source tree using git + git-bzr-ng
It is possible to checkout the userspace tools using git + git-bzr-ng
install git-bzr-ng copy into git commands
on Ubuntu cp /usr/lib/git-core/git-bzr
chmod +x /usr/lib/git-core/git-bzr
There is a known common issue with bzr-fast-import that can cause git-bzr-ng to fail with newer versions of bzr
- tracking bug in launchpad
To fix the issue we need to grab the patch from the end of the bug and patch bzr-fast-import. The patch can be found at the link below, click on the “download diff” link.
patch the bzrlib/ on your system
- on Ubuntu it can be found at /usr/share/pyshared/bzrlib/
Clone the repository
git bzr clone lp:apparmor
git clone
brief step by step of using bzr with AA