1 RBAC_2_5
Steve Beattie edited this page 2017-11-10 00:24:24 -08:00

Over view of AppArmor 2.4/3.0

AppArmor 2.4/3.0 introduces several improvements that affect authoring RBAC style policy.

  • Enhanced owner conditional rules
  • Better conditional variable support
  • Change_profile rules can be made owner conditional
  • updated pam_apparmor
    • can use change_profile rules
    • allows for multiple roles per user, and will prompt for the role to choose
    • allows for user + role mapping to allow for single user name under MLS style policy
    • improved configuration allows for global configuration and per profile configuration as, desired
      • user to profile mapping via hats (as in 2.1 and 2.3)
      • user to profile mapping via password database GECOS field
      • user to profile mapping via external files
  • ???? finer grained permissions, mount rules, authority

MLS style security in AppArmor 2.4

In AppArmor 2.4 and newer the techniques used to achieve an RBAC style security can be extended to achieve an MLS style of security.


?? problem with transition is that it still must be staged through a stub, as the stub needs more permissions than the role profile should be allowed. Best way to structure this? What of adding new hat mode that uses external user mappings, and has access features just like change_profile.

Configuration of pam

Configuration to use change_hat

Configuration to use change_profile

advantages of change_profile rules note about limitation of change_profile in AppArmor 2.3

Configuration of user to profile mapping via the GECOS field

Configuration of user to profile mapping via external files

There are two possible types of external configuration files that allow describing user to profile mappings.

External role files

External role files allow mapping a list of user names to a single role profile. This configuration style allows breaking up the assignment of roles to different admins. An admin may have the ability to edit the users belong to a specific role file but not another, thus that admin can only add or remove users from the admin type he manages.

External role files are controlled by the role= configuration option

 role=“<role name>,<file name>”

 role=“log_admin, /etc/apparmor/roles/log_admins”

Multiple role= options may be specified on the pam_apparmor module configuration line. A given user name may appear in each specified role file. The first file the user name appears in will be designated the users default role.

The format of the role file is a simple text file with a single user name per line. Lines beginning with # are treated as comments.

 > cat /etc/apparmor/roles/log_admin
 # AppArmor role file, place a single user per line
 > cat /etc/apparmor/roles/mail_admin
 # AppArmor role file, place a single user per line

??? must have a way to specify default unconfined user -> setup an unconfined role file ???

External user to role files

  • can have multiple files specified on config line - user can only appear in file once

External user to role db files

file format <username>=<role1>,<role2>,... where first is default

???? tool to read pam config, and find apparmor role files and list users and all the roles they belong too,

roles and which users belong to them ???

  • specifying a role variable and then apply user maps to how policy uses it

This is harder to configure, if the user is to belong to multiple profiles however it does allow splitting up the role list so that users can be individually added but then how do you specify a users default role?

owner limitations of change_profile can be handled by PAM as long as the chrole is forced through a specific PAM aware application instead of trying to write directly to /proc/ <pid>/attr/current The change_profile rule needed for the pam application is a broad change_profile /**,

Must use method 1 for the pam_apparmor config file, so we can get a default role. Must use method 2 for profile variables. But this implies 2 configuration places yuk. It also doesn't allow an sub admin to edit the policy directly, rather it requires

problems change_profile rules are not owner conditional so direct changing of a role is not advisable as any user in a profile with a change_profile rule can change to the profile ignoring what role the user is configured to. The best way to change roles is to relogin with the pam module asking for the role to choose.

 session  {optional,required}       pam_apparmor.so change_profile order=user select

change_profile - use change_profile, will only attempt to confine users with a specified profile. If a profile is specified and fails, login will fail order=user - only available order for change_profile currently

select - allow user to select from available roles

AppArmor 2.4

  • advantage: change_profile rules can be user conditional, allows more flexibility of which profile change_profile rules are allowed in. Instead of being limited to a specific set of PAM aware applications, an app can call change_profile directly.

setup a aachrole applications which allows changing roles, this allows consolidating role change information into a single profile, or just use an include. Problem for AA 2.3 as change_profile is not owner conditional

usage: aachrole <role> application

It is a wrapper around the change_profile interface that attempts to change the current role and then execs the application, which will be under the same user but a different profile. If it fails it exits with an error message.

Two approaches to allowing change of role, include the change_profile rules in the role profile allowing an application to attempt to change its profile. Or more secure only put the change_profile rules in a profile for aachrole, and have a px transition to aachrole. This restricts changing of roles to the aachrole command.

have 2 include files


how does this map to the pam config file? Need some way to make this mapping work

for both approaches general applications include abstractions/roles, and only special one include role_users instead. For case 1 abstractions/roles includes abstractions/roles_users, as well as a px transition to aachrole. For case 2 abstractions/roles only contains the transition. This can be made configurable with a conditional.

If login services are confined then they will need to include the change_profile rules as well.

Profile creation wizard can ask about type of profile, application (service), role, login service, and auto include the correct files

??? sudo ???

combining sudo and logbash

2.0.1 2.1 2.3 2.4?

logbash sudo pam_apparmor

ix, pix ... when to use

Restricted admin user with id 0 + profile user + profile with set caps sudo?</file></username>