WARNING this is an alpha - NOT released targeted to fall 2023
AppArmor 4.0-alpha4 was released 2024-02-02.
AppArmor 4.0 is a major new release of the AppArmor that is in development, these are not complete release notes of everything in alpha4 but just highlighting new or important developments
Apprmor 4.0 is a bridge release between older AppArmor 3.x policy and the newer AppArmor 4 style policy which introduces several new features that are not backwards compatible. As such AppArmor 4.0 will be a short lived release, and will not receive long term support. The following AppArmor 4.1 feature release is planned to be a regular release, please take this into account when including AppArmor 4.0 into a distro release. For questions around compatibility see the compatibility matrix.
These release notes cover changes between AppArmor-4.0~alpha3 and AppArmor-4.0~alpha4
- Some features will work with older kernels but many of the features in apparmor 4 with require a development kernel.
- The kernel portion of the project is maintained and pushed separately.
- AppArmor 4.0 contains all bug fixes and policy updates from apparmor 3.1
- Some new features will not be fully supported in some utilities. In these cases it was decided that releasing a new feature earlier had more benefit than delaying it for full utility support. Please see the feature support matrix.
Highlighted new features in alpha 4
New Profile Flag
New Mediation Rules
- aa-status
- fix json output
- separate error messages from regular output
- apparmor development utilities (aa-logprof, ...)
- support all rule
- exec events in hats are no longer skipped
- aa-cleanprof
- fix to work with named profiles
unprivileged_userns: Special profile transitioned to by unconfined when creating an unprivileged user namespace.
- Improvements
- abstractions/audio
- abstractions/ubuntu-browsers.d/kde
- abstractions/nameservice
- abstractions/wutmp
- abstractions/snap_browsers
- firefox
- New policies for applications that use unprivileged user namespaces
- 1password
- Discord
- MongoDB_Compass
- QtWebEngineProcess
- brave
- buildah
- busybox
- cam
- ch-checkns
- ch-run
- chrome
- code
- crun
- firefox
- flatpak
- github-desktop
- ipa_verify
- lc-compliance
- libcamirify
- linux-sandbox
- lxc-attach
- lxc-create
- lxc-destroy
- lxc-execute
- lxc-stop
- lxc-unshare
- lxc-usernsexec
- mmdebstrap
- msedge
- obsidian
- opera
- plasmashell
- podman
- polypane
- qcam
- rootlesskit
- rpm
- runc
- sbuild
- sbuild-abort
- sbuild-adduser
- sbuild-apt
- sbuild-checkpackages
- sbuild-clean
- sbuild-createchroot
- sbuild-destroychroot
- sbuild-distupgrade
- sbuild-hold
- sbuild-shell
- sbuild-unhold
- sbuild-update
- sbuild-upgrade
- signal-desktop
- slack
- slirp4netns
- steam
- stress-ng
- surfshark
- systemd-coredump
- thunderbird
- toybox
- trinity
- tup
- userbindmount
- uwsgi-core
- vdens
- virtiofsd
- vivaldi-bin
- vpnns
- wpcom
Feature Matrix
Feature | policy extension | breaks 3.x | supported by utils | requires 4.x libapparmor | requires kernel support |
unconfined flag | Y | Y 1 | N | N | Y 2 |
debug flag | Y | Y 1 | N | N | Y 2 |
promt flag | Y | Y 1 | N | N | Y 2 |
*audit.mode flag | Y | Y 1 | N | N | Y 2 |
*kill.signal flag | Y | Y 1 | N | N | Y 2 |
*attach_disconnected.path flag | Y | Y 1 | N | N | Y 2 |
quiet audit prefix | Y | Y 1 | N | N | Y 2 |
rule priority qualifier | Y | Y 1 | N | N | N |
access rule qualifier | Y | Y 1 | N | N | Y 2 |
complain rule qualifier | Y | Y 1 | N | N | Y 2 |
prompt rule qualifier | Y | Y 1 | N | N | Y 2 |
ordered rule block | Y | Y 1 | N | N | N |
inherits rule | Y | Y 1 | N | N | N |
boolean rule ops | Y | Y 1 | N | N | N |
* @{parent} variable | Y | N 6 | N | N | N |
* @{attachment} variable | Y | Y 1 | N | N | N |
*deny attachment | Y | Y 1 | N | N | N 4 |
*all rule | Y | Y 1 | N | N | N |
*policy overlay | N | Y 3 | n/a | Y | N |
*config overlay | N | Y 3 | n/a | Y | N |
posix mqueue | Y | Y 1 | N | N | Y 2 |
user ns | Y | Y 1 | N | N | Y 2 |
extended x index | N | Y 5 | Y | N | Y 2 |
fixed x dominance | N9 | N10 | Y11 | N | N |
*rule extends abi | N | N 7 | N | N | N |
rootless apparmor_parser | N | N | n/a | N | N |
improved -O rule-merge | N | N | n/a | N | N |
aa-status filters | N | N | n/a | N | N |
aa-load | N | N | n/a | Y | N |
unconfined ns restriction | N | Y 8 | n/a | N | Y |
unconfined change_profile stacking | N | Y 8 | n/a | N | Y |
unconfined io_uring restriction | N | Y 8 | n/a | N | Y |
- If present in policy will cause previous versions of AppArmor to fail
- Requires kernel support, policy can be downgraded to work on kernels that do not support.
- Previous versions of AppArmor may not fail but will not behave correctly
- Feature can be functionally provided by may not be exactly the same
- If more than 12 transitions are used in a profile, AppArmor 3.x will fail
- Will break older policy if variable is not defined. Variable can be manually defined in older parser.
- AppArmor 3.x will not break but will use declared abi, instead of extending abi when a rule not in the abi is declared in policy.
- These features if enabled will change unconfined's behavior but can be disabled with either a grub kernel boot parameter or sysctl depending on the kernel.
- Does not allow any new rules but allows overlapping exec rules that would have been previously rejected.
- If overlapping rules not supported by 3.x are used policy will break on 3.x and older environments
- Tools will work but may not deal with overlapping rules correctly in some cases
in beta
Feature | policy extension | breaks 3.x | supported by utils | requires 4.x libapparmor | requires kernel support |
*io_uring | Y | Y 1 | N | N | Y 2 |
*port level network | Y | Y 1 | N | N | Y 2 |
- io_uring needed for unprivilege unconfined constraint around io_uring
AppArmor 4.1 or later
Feature | policy extension | breaks 3.x | supported by utils | requires 4.x libapparmor | requires kernel support |
multiple policy locations | N | Y 3 | n/a | Y | N |
location specific configs | N | Y 3 | n/a | Y | N |
user conditional | Y | Y 1 | N | N | Y 2 |
-O rule-refactor | N | N | n/a | N | N |
kernel supports conditional | Y | Y 1 | N | N | N |
abi supports conditional | Y | Y 1 | N | N | N |
replace unconfined | N | Y | N | n/a | N |
TODO: before release
- remove parser.conf pin
wip - not in this alpha, not guaranteed to land in 4.0
- kernel & userspace
- in policy stream conditionals
- ioctl
- user
- policy
- attachment
- user mediation
- owner=
- conditionals
- owner
- mac_override (for change_hat, hardlink, mv, bind mount)
- case insensite fs ???
- extended rule blocks
- ordered rule blocks
- bpf mediation
- ioctl mediation
- module mediation
- sysv mqueue
- io_uring
- revised af_unix
- fine grained ipv4/ipv6
- ns
- tracking
- pivot root var setting
- setns
- conditionals around what other namespaces being created
- profile flags
- prompt
- unconfined
- per profile audit control flags audit.mode=XXX
- debug
- kill.signal
- attach_disconnected.path
- extended perms
- dfa32
- still need accept2 cond command table
- userspace support for full width of bits and mappings
- kernel bit mapping of userspace so we can do merge
- reduce file table size by conditional on only accept states that are different
- raw text in policy
- compressed cache
- additional restrictions policy guard restrictions
- change_profile - stack if not policy admin, mac_override
- policy conditional to allow specifying in policy
- link - fail if not mac override
- policy conditional to allow specifying in policy
- rename - fail if not mac override
- policy conditional to allow specifying in policy
- bind - fail if not mac override
- policy conditional to allow specifying in policy
- change_profile - stack if not policy admin, mac_override
- unconfined
- additional restrictions around link, change_profile, rename, bind
- replace unconfined
- in policy stream conditionals
- kernel
- per ns control of unmediated
- force mediation on unmediated
- force mediation on complain
- deal with stacked attachment lookup
- optimize stacking name lookup to
- single buffer alloc
- single name lookup
- audit caching
- complain
- improved complain learning
- ioctl interface
- message dedup
- complain
- merge file and policy db dfa
- dedup, file and policy code paths
- improve shared code callback
- refcount policydb
- shared dfa, and policydb
- rewrite apparmorfs
- dynamic
- ima support
- per ns control of unmediated
- userspace
- new access modes
- complain, prompt, access
- new audit prefix
- quiet
- in_policy_abi()
- warn when rule in use but not in policy abi
- turn on/ignore/...
- warn when rule in use but not in policy abi
- mount
- per fs mount option matching. ??? does kernel need anything more???
- allow all
- aa_load
- drop root check
- userspace binary dfa
- policy debug
- improved rule prefixes
- allow all
- policy overlays
- extended xindex (part of extended perms)
- boolean ops
- policy hash
- kernel supports conditionals
- improved policy conditionals
- dominance fix
- fs specific mount option matching
- expr simplify optimizations
- new access modes
- policy
- new abi
- remove unconfined from policy