AppArmor Rule Prefixes and Modes
Rule qualifiers allow modifying the behavior of individual profile rules. There are qualifiers for setting the rule mode, priority, and qualifiers that modify the rules audit behavior.
Rule Modes
Rule mode allow controlling the enforcement behavior of a profile rule.
The default is to make the rule an allow
rule if no mode qualifier
is specified.
allow - The default mode, the qualifier is optional. For a given action is the rule matches the action will be allowed. The default audit action of an allow rule is to NOT audit that the action was allowed.
deny - For a given action, if the rule is matched, permission the action will be denied, with an EACCES or EPERM error code returned to userspace, and by default the violation will be logged with a tag of the access being DENIED.
Within a given priority level deny rules have priority over all other rule modes. They can be used to carve out permissions from an allow rule of the same priority.
kill (new AppArmor 4.0) - This is a variant of enforce deny where in addition to returning I or I for a violation, the task is also sent a signal to kill it. Within a given priority level kill rules have priority over deny rules.
complain (new AppArmor 4.0) - For a given action, if the rule is matched the action will be allowed, but the violation will be logged with a tag of the access being ALLOWED (similar to the complain mode profile flag).
prompt (new AppArmor 4.0) - This is a variant of complain rule mode where the access request is sent to a user space daemon to determine if it is allowed. This only works with select rules and only if supported by the kernel. If the usespace daemon is not present the access request will be denied.
access (new AppArmor 4.0**) - This mode declares the rule as an audit modifier to other rules. It allows setting broad audit controls without granting or denying permission.
audit control for rules
- audit -
- quiet -
rule priority
The priority qualifer allows raising and lowering the priority of a rule so it can override another rule when/where they overlap. Rules of the same priority will accumulate permissions in a declarative manner as they have always done. But when two rules overlap with a different priority the higher priority permission are used for the overlapping portion of the rule.
If a priority is not specified the default priority is 0.
- priority=X (new AppArmor 4.0) - allows specifying the priority for a given rule. The priority can be possitive or negative. The priority if specified comes before the audit and rule mode qualifiers.
priority=10 audit allow file rw @{HOME}/.ssh/*.pub,
deny file @{HOME}/.ssh/* rwx,
Priority and rule blocks
Priority overlap will only determine permission for the set of rules
within the rule block. The block of rules will then be treated
as a whole as a single rule.
profile Eg. {
deny file w /foo/bar,
priority=2 allow file rw /foo/**,
deny file rw /**,
In this example the deny file w /foo/bar
in the profile block will
take priority over the priority=2 allow file rw /foo/**
rule in
the block, because the whole block at the profile level has the same
priority as the deny file w /foo/bar
Within the block however the priority=2 allow file rw /foo/**
priority over the deny rule.
If the rule block should be treated with a different priority the priority qualifier can be added to the rule block.
priority=2 {
ordered prefix for rule blocks
ordered (new AppArmor 4.0) - The ordered block qualifier allows a block of rules to be treated as an ordered set of rules where the first rule matched will be applied. This block allows specifying rules in a manner similar to many firewalls and as such may be more natural for some network rules. Rules within an ordered block do not accumumate permissions the way a normal appamor declarative block does.
The ordered block effectively gives each rule in the block a unique priority with the first rule having the highest priority and each following rule a lower priority. The priority qualifier is not allowed within an ordered block.
profile Eg {
ordered {
allow network inet stream,
deny network tcp,
In this example the network inet stream
rule will have priority over
the deny network tcp
rule even though normally the deny rule would
dominate and disallow the access.