- Added the item drain
- Refactored pulley renderers
- Fixed belt funnel not dropping filters
- Fixed funnel filter slot positioning on upward facing funnels
- Sails can now be sheared
- Fixed the kinetic connectivity of the rotation speed controller
- Valve handles can now by dyed in world
- Seats can now be dyed in world
- Fixed Stockpile Switch emitting redstone power towards its detection target
- Organized Imports
- Fixed server launch issues
- Added the hose pulley
- Added creative tanks
- Fixed sails not getting consumed when placed against each other
- Items can now be inserted onto belts regardless of it moving or not
- Fixed item duplication on stopped belts
- Refactored fluid block rendering in JEI
- Reworked model of the schematic table
- Hand cranks can now be made without the need of brass
- Fixed tooltip referrals
- Crafters can no longer be covered when while they are holding an item
- Pushed some numbers around
- Fixed Mechanical Press animation de-sync between server and client
- The press no longer requires a redstone signal to activate on in-world items
- Fixed spouts and basin trying to create potion buckets
- The Mechanical bearing can no longer generate force from wind
- Added the windmill bearing
- Windmill bearings can be configured to rotate counter-clockwise
- Added Sail Frames and Sails
- Sails can by dyed in-world
- Sails negate fall damage
- Sails attach themselves to blocks and do not require a sticky surface or chassis
- Clockwork bearings can now be configured to switch minute and hour hand aswell as use a 24 hour cycle
- Fixed tunnels with windows occluding block faces directly behind them
- Fixed item model of the mechanical saw
- remapped seat tooltips
- remapped outdated lang keys
- applied changes of #395 to 1.15
- Fixed Schematic hotbar overlay sometimes drawing on top of the item icon
- Fixed mechanical arm lighting and render bounds issues
- Bell contraptions no longer causes a NullPointerException when they
are stopped
- Schematic usage shouldn't require a player to not be sneaking, and
changes the key to CTRL to match tool tips
- Refactored JEI plugin to use a builder for categories
- The mixer can now process vanilla potion recipes
- JEI support for fluid potion mixing
- Refined some categories to not show obsolete information
- Compacting and automatic vanilla packing are now in separate tabs
- Fluids can now be manually picked up from a basin
- Basins and Spouts can now extract from and fill vanilla potion items
- Improved the filtering for fluid tests, such as the basin recipe and smart pipes
- Fixed CombinedTankWrapper losing nbt data of transferred fluidstacks
Fixed an error in my previous commit.
Introduced basic Tooltips for fluid items.
I've left the smart pipe entries as placeholder as I've not tried them out yet.
- fix blockzapper upgrade category
- fix goggle item not displaying properly in the goggle-overlay and its config screen
- fix items in guis occluding certain tooltips (again)
- Fluids in JEI now display the exact amount required
- Fixed short background of custom compacting JEI
- Fixed localization of sawing recipe category
- Fixed blocks waterlogged by a pump not scheduling a fluid update
- Arms can no longer feed random junk to a jukebox
- Arms are no longer oblivious to hot-swapped blocks in its target areas
- Arms can now directly extract from and insert to Deployers and Crafters
- Arms can now feed blaze burners
- Fixed brass funnels deleting items inserted into a full or stalled inventory
- Fixed brass funnels in hopper mode not showing amounts on filters when transferring between server-only inventories
- Arms & Deployers can now be paused using a redstone signal; stopping them after their next completed cycle
- Fixed zapper tools not applying changes when the screen is closed using the confirm button
- Reorganized valve handle registration
- Added more preliminary recipes
- Rows of nixie tubes will now display text from a name tag used on them
- Nixie tubes will dynamically update score/selector/nbt components in the displayed text
- The collision response now (semi)-supports yaw-pitch combined rotations of contraptions
- Attempted collision and rendering of contraption couplings moving up and downhill
- Fixed sychronization issues of a mounted contraptions' initial orientation
- Contraption couplings no longer render the virtual coupling connection
- Entities can no longer mount the cart connected by another carts' contraption
- Contraption coupligs no longer rotate backwards when opposite couplings are added onto it
- Minecarts no longer deadlock each other when one of them had stalled due to an unloaded coupling end
- Cart assemblers only disassemble coupling contraptions if both carts are within an inactive cart assembler
- Fixed interactions between coupling contraptions and furnace/chest minecart invs
- Fixed concurrency / race condition issues with contraptions loading in during a collision cycle
- Reworked implementation model of minecart tracking and couplings
- Coupling items now get consumed when used in survival mode
- Added some player feedback when couplings cannot be created
- Fixed couplings disappearing on the client due to sync issues
- Wrenches can now remove minecarts in one hit
- Wrenches can now be used to remove couplings from minecarts
- Cart assemblers now attach themselves to the block above, no longer requiring active "sticky-ness" of the contraption towards it
- Minecarts can no longer be moved while a contraption is stalling them
- Fixed players flailing their limbs around while standing still on a moving contraption
- Attempted to reduce drag of remote player positions while on a contraption
- Contraptions no longer log out with the player riding them
- Attribute filters are now made of brass
- Added the ability to disable auto-compat with vanilla recipe types in the configs
- Added a recipe type for custom basin/press compacting
- Basins can now process items and liquids in recipes
- Input items/fluids of a basin can now be extracted or reused in further processing
- A basin diagonally below another basin with collect outputs of recipes processed in the top basin for ease of automation
- (Temporary debug recipes)
- Visual rework of all active UIs
- Fixed large scale renderers such as belts, cannons, pulleys to disappear when partially out of frame
- Schematic and Quill now has the ability to convert a selection to a readied schematic instantly
- Moved option input of cart assemblers to side faces
- Fixed crash when attempting to smelt items on belts/depots
- Stockpile switches can now be inverted
- Fixed stockpile switches not dynamically updating gui indicators frequently enough
- Tanks can no longer be directly interacted with in survival mode
- Sequenced gearshifts now emit a comparator signal based on their current instruction index
- The Piston instruction for sequencers can now accept distances up to 128m
- Fixed some rendering inconsistencies with symmetry mirrors
- Reworked symmetry mirror models to match the tool better
- Attribute filters can now add inverted conditions to the list
- Added the attribute "can be crushed"
- Made the schematicannon interface a little less confusing
- Fixed launched items of the schematicannon rendering warped
- Added a straight pipe variant to cut flows using rotational input
- Added a slower more precise variant of the hand crank
- Basins now render their contained fluids
- Implemented new PSI models by Kryppers
- PSIs are now used in pairs like contacts
- PSIs now act as an inventory proxy of the attached contraption
- Comparators can detect when two PSIs are interfacing
- Contraptions will continue moving after a second of inactivity
- Belt observer -> Content observer
- Content observers can now monitor any inventory and funnel transactions
- Stockpile switches no longer only access slots exposed to a specific side of an inventory
- Stockpile switches can now take a filter
- Brass tunnels once again have the ability to synchronize inputs among a chain
- Mechanical arms now have a range limitation
- Mechanical arms now wait with initialization until their area is fully loaded
- Chutes no longer ignore the direction of an attached fans air flow
- Chutes now render particles indicating their movement direction
- Chutes can now pull items up from belts or off the ground
- Fixed item model of shadow casing
- Fixed invisible quads under funnels when no casing is applied to the belt
- Belt mounted funnels can now be perpendicular to the belt theyre on
- Funnels can now transpose items like a hopper when facing down
- Item distribution across belts using brass tunnels can now be configured with a wrench
- Added new icons for the distribution options of arms and tunnels
- Removed obsolete code
- Fixed some weirdness with creative crates and funnels
- Reworked tileentity behaviours for inventory interaction
- Deployers no longer actively pull items from other inventories
- Some more work on basins
- Added a new inventory type wrapping an itemstack handler that automatically syncs the tile entity. It also implements IInventory for recipe shenanigans
- Held items of a deployer can now only be extracted by other blocks if it does not match the filter
- Fixed excess items not able to be extracted from deployers
- Removed some things
- Funnels no longer actively transpose items between chutes and inventories unless they are vertical
- Chutes can now active pull and insert items from/to inventories above/below them
- Fixed upright items rendering inconsistently between belt and depot
- Fixed various timing and sync issues with the spout
- Added a recipe type for spout filling
- Fixed more co-modification on belts
- Item and fluid nbt tags in recipes are now data-generated as json objects rather than strings
- Transported item processing can now leave items behind
- Transported item processing now has more meaningful result data
- Tweaked spout animation
- Fixed cullfaces on spout model
- add a dev utility that allows us to force-unload chunks
- move mechanical arm scrollbox
- fix oxidizing blocks trying to access a blockstate from unloaded chunks when on the border
- Expanded the RecipeProvider infrastructure
- Migrated mechanical crafting recipes to generated
- Migrated cooking recipes to generated
- Fixed missing particles on vertical motor model
- Adjusted a few recipes
- Reworked and cleaned up Create's ProcessingRecipes
- Prepared ProcessingRecipes for fluid ingredients and outputs
- Added datagen infrastructure to ProcessingRecipes
- Migrated all hand-written ProcessingRecipes to generated
- Removed scrollinput on mixers
- Fixed recipe lookup cache not invalidating on datapack reload
- Removed "catalyst" ingredients
- Reduced ambient dripping particles of fluid pipes
- Fixed reversed uvs on encased fans
- Fixed tile entities not being added to contraptions client-side
- Added encased and non-opaque versions of the fluid pipe.
- Added new generic te behaviour across pipe blocks for their rims/attachment models
- Pipes and pumps now render a little drain cap when connected to a fluid inventory
- Implemented reworked chute models by Kryppers
- Implemented new basin model by Kryppers
- Chutes now have proper selection bounds
- Some minor texture & model touch-ups
- Fixed symmetry wand position in its GUI
- Fixed some inconsistencies with a tanks' fluidhandler invalidation when resized
- Patched crashes in present fluid handling of the basin
- Tanks now slightly shade horizontal faces of the contained liquid
- Tanks no longer resend data every tick when filled gradually
- Introduced a new lerped value type with better design decisions
- Refactored Smart tileentity serialization to better support custom overrides in contained behaviours
- Pumps propagate flows in the pipe networks in front and behind itself.
- Pumps collect all possible in and outputs across the reachable pipe graph as endpoints
- Flows move across multiple branches of a pipe network when both are equally viable
- Open-ended pipes are treated as endpoints and leak fluid into and out of a block space
- Open endpoints serialize stateful information about fluid units gathered and held at the interface
- Open endpoints turn a fluid block into 1000 fluid units and back
- Open endpoints undo their transaction when their flow changes from pull to push
- Open endpoints cannot pull fluids back when a full liquid block was not placed yet
- Open endpoints waterlog blocks when the provided fluid is water
- A collision response is triggered when different types of fluids meet at open endpoints
- Fluids are transferred instantly by the throughput of a completed flow per tick
- Pumps cut flows when vital pipes are removed
- Pumps do not lose progress of finished flows when an unrelated part of the pipe network changes
- Pumps do not lose progress of finished flows when reversed
- Pumps distribute their throughput across available input flows evenly
- Pumps distribute gathered input fluid across outputs evenly
- Pumps expose furthest reachable pipefaces to other pumps for chained transfer
- Chained pumps with fully overlapping flow sections provide their endpoints at the entrance of the other pump
- Chained pumps with overlapping flow sections participate in two shared endpoints, one for each pump dominating the contested region
- Chained pumps with overlapping flow only transfer via the optimal of the two possible endpoints based on their speeds
- Chained pumps of equal speed pick one of the two available endpoints deterministically
- Pumps transfer without flows when no pipe is between the pump and the endpoint
- Pumps serialize and recover stateful information about held fluid units at open endpoints
- Chained pumps do not actively transfer when both are partaking with push flows (or both pulling)
- A pull flow originating from an inter-pump endpoint only commences when the corresponding push flow is completed
- Chained pumps re-determine the optimal flow when the speed of one is changed at runtime
- Throughput of chained pumps is determined by their weakest link in terms of speed
- Endpoints created for chained pumps is treated equally to other available endpoints when fluid is distributed
- Pipes do not contain a physical amount of fluid.
- Pipes never hold serialized vital stateful information about fluid transfer.
- Pipes synchronize local flow progress and fluid type to clients
- Flows in a pipe progress with the speed of the network flow
- A networks flow speed depends on the speed of the aggregated pump
- Pipe flows of different flow graphs of different pumps interact with each other
- A collision response is triggered when two different types of fluid meet within a pipe
- Pipes spawn particles to illustrate contained flows/liquids of flows
- The fluid transfer role is exposed through a TE behaviour with some callbacks and properties
- Open endpoints show particles when interacting with in-world fluids
- buffering SeatMovementBehaviour
- changed visibility of AllMovementBehaviours.addMovementBehaviour(ResourceLocation, MovementBehaviour) to public for easier mod compat
- added console warn message when something tries to register more than one movement behaviour per block
- Seats now pick up non-player entities when touching them while being moved
- Seats now drop off entities when being moved into a solid block
- Previously colliding entities now get moved to match their position on the placed structure on disassembly
- Contraption motion no longer gets fed into the collision response for non-minecart contraptions
- The server now gets frequent updates about client players riding a contraption, fixes instabilities with projectiles, damage and anti-fly detection
- Players can now take fall damage when colliding with contraptions
- Any living entity can now use seats
- Fix client sync issues with seats
- Fixed contraptions double-reversing roll and pitch values when communicating to the collision engine
- Seats now transfer their passengers to a contraption when moved and back when disassembled
- Attempted further refinements to the collision response of horizontally rotated contraptions
- Set up a hook to inject custom interaction between players and contraption mounted blocks on right-click
- Seats can now by mounted by players while assembled to a contraption
- Minor refactors to the contraption class
- Collision separation now supports motion sweeping in order to avoid tunnelling when entities drop onto contraptions from a greater height
- Further improved the collision response
- Entities can no longer be clipped into solid walls by the collision response
- moved fan transparent blocks to block tag
- added blaze heater as transparent
- blaze heater on lowest level is now a valid bulk smokig block
- blaze heater on heat 2 and higher is now a valid bulk smelting block (that requires fuel but does not spill lava or set your house on fire)
- added empty blaze heater
- catching blazes (rclick blazes or a blaze spawner)
- only blaze heaters with blaze can heat basins or power fans
- updated item tooltip to fit the discussed fueling system
- Heated Mixing: Mixing can now require the player to heat the basin (with either the usual fan heaters for a heat level of 1 or the blaze heater for higher heat levels)
- Made mixing brass ingots from copper and zinc ingots require heating (as example)
- added the blaze heater to valid fan heaters
- added TE renderer for fan heater to display a blaze head always facing the player
- added fueling of blaze heater with furnace fuel (onUse event, not with inventory to challenge the automation. To be discussed.)
- add heat requirement display to JEI
- better item model for blaze heater
- new special fuel for higher heat levels
- fan stoking
- added Interface IExtendedProcessingRecipe supporting requiredHeat, fluid inputs and fluid outputs
- set Mixing recipes to use the extended serializer in AllRecipeTypes
- removed constructor parameters specifying fluid usage in recipes that do not support fluids (and changed the ConversionRecipe JEI support class back)
- cleaned up annotations, ordered AllRecipeType enum values and imports, reformatted recipe code
- Arms can no longer insert into powered brass funnels
- Slight ArmInteractionPoint refactor
- Arms can now interact with Millstones, Basins, Jukeboxes, Crushing Wheels and the Mechanical Saw
- Fixed crash when logging into a world with a running mixer
- Arms now start to dance when one of their in or outputs is a running jukebox
- Arms can now be mounted on the ceiling
- Arms now always prefer the interaction points that were selected first
- Fixed belt funnels not updating their blockstate properly when transitioning from other funnel types
- Vertical funnels next to the end of a belt will now stall the belt when unable to collect incoming items
- Minor model & texture touch ups
- Arm no longer cancels player interaction when its empty handed
- Fixed chutes not vertically interacting with andesite funnels
- Fixed dynamic Mechanical Arm parts not being lit correctly
- Fixed Mechanical Arm not always initializing interaction points on the client
- Belt tunnels now create side-openings for belt-like blocks such as the depot
- Belt tunnels no longer create flaps when there is a belt funnel connected to that side
- Brass tunnels can now distribute items among their output sides and other connected tunnels, taking into account their sided filtering
- Brass tunnels now visually connect for upcoming splitter functionality
- Added a tileentity behaviour that allows separate filtering for each face
- Added filtering to brass tunnels
- Removed synchronization behaviour of belt tunnels
- Belt tunnels can now be placed on non-reinforced belt segments, and will apply the missing casing automatically
- Bunch more renames
- Small tweaks to the andesite tunnel texture
- Mechanical arms can no longer take from belts covered by a tunnel
- Belt tunnels can now create a window when directly next to a funnel
- Fixed tunnel flaps not being triggered when inserting into a covered belt
- Removed pre-0.3 funnel blocks
- Added andesite variant to reality funnels, without filtering or redstone control
- Added andesite variant to belt tunnels
- Reality Funnel -> Brass Funnel
- Sideways and Vertical belts can now be reinforced with casing
- Belts can now be reinforced with andesite casing
- Reinforcing belts no longer consumes the casing block
- Reworked reinforced belt models
- Fixed flipped diagonal belt casing once again
- Fixed belts breaking instantly when punched in survival mode
- added a block tag non_movable conatining blocks that should not be moved with contraptions
- added a block tag for brittle blocks breaking without support
- moved obsidian from hardcoded to non_movable block tag
- moved flower pots, doors and bells from hardcoded to brittle block tag
- registrate block tagging of brittle blocks
- made immersive engineering connectors non-movable to avoid reported weird behavior
- Made Create cobble stone variants part of forge:cobblestone
- autumnity wood compat
- changed biomes o'plenty flower crushing to milling (as it is with vanilla flowers)
- atmospheric wood and flowers
- autumnity flowers
- blloomful wood and flowers
- botania petal milling to floral powder
- buzzier bees flowers
- druidcraft wood and flowers
- projectvibrantjourneys wood
- upgrade aquatic wood and flowers
This should resolve#389 for the most part.
- Chutes can now transfer items
- Chutes now propagate air flow from attached fans
- Fixed a few issues with mechanical arms
- Removed unused chute models
- Implemented appropriate interactions between funnels and chutes
- The arm blockitem can now be used to select inputs & outputs
- Arms now transfer items between inputs and outputs
- Arm support for Belts, Depots and Funnels
- Some safety checks in net code
- Minor refactor to NBTHelper
-added two config entries to offset the goggle overlay on x/y axis
-added a command (/create overlay [reset]) to allow editing the overlay position ingame
- Belt funnels now render with animated flaps
- Extracting funnels can now be given a stack size
- Filtering now supports setting the extraction count for empty filter slots (wildcard)
- Funnels on belts can now extract and insert items according to their setting and filter
- Funnels can now push/pull items to/from a depot
- Fixed creative crates not marking their inventory as removed when destroyed
- Funnels can now pick up items colliding with their front face
- When holding a funnel the game will now always prefer placement over block interaction
- Fixed items not able to be held in place by tunnels
- Depots can now hold on to items similarly to belts
- Item processing such as the press and bulk smelting now targets a Processing TE behaviour, rather than the belt only
- The press and similar processing can no longer commence whenever there is a block with a collision shape between item and machine
- Implemented item processing for Depots
- Items can seamlessly traverse from belts to depots
- Removed the IBeltAttachment system
- Item processing on belts is now a TE behaviour
- Added TE behaviour for allowing belts (and similar) to directly insert items
- Massive refactor to the Belts' inventory
- Fixed fast moving items missing their processing step
- Saws, Basins, Crushing Wheels, Belts and Crafters now interact through the new behaviour rather than hard-coded interactions
- Fixed items (visually) disappearing on saws while queueing up
- Items on belts now back up a little further away from the end of the belt
- Added filtering behaviour and in-world slots to new funnel blocks
- Filtering behaviour now supports slots active on multiple sides
- Funnels no longer wipe their TE when changing state
- Fixed VoxelShape for extended belt funnels
- Added a funnel block variant that interacts with chutes horizontally (same item)
- Belt and Chute Funnels now have a push/pull property
- Removed Chute Ports
- Tidied up R-Funnel texture sheet
- R-Funnels can now be powered by redstone
- Non-mounted R-Funnels are now full hopper-like blocks rather than fixtures